IdeasToDone for iPhone

IdeasToDone is the best to-do list app for iPhone! IdeasToDone is the best to-do list, task management, and planner app for iPhone. This image shows a project with nested levels of tasks and sub-tasks, a beautiful Dashboard showing Importance Levels By Day, and the in-app Calendar with color-coded priority levels, in-Calendar drag & drop scheduling, editing, filtering, and more!

The best to-do list app for iPhone.
It’s also a great task management and planner app too!

IdeasToDone for iPhone

IdeasToDone is the most powerful to do list app for iPhone that you’ll find anywhere.

You’ll also discover that every aspect of IdeasToDone is intuitive and easy to use.

You can organize & manage every area of your personal, business, and life efficiently.

IdeasToDone on iPhone is great for setting up, reviewing & managing your to do lists & tasks anywhere, anytime — from your home or business office, your recliner, on a plane, or on the go. Even when you’re not connected to the internet!

IdeasToDone works great on any iPhone running iOS 15 or greater.

This image shows IdeasToDone on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Each environment is supported with a single design and development perspective exclusively for these Apple devices.

IdeasToDone is integrated across your iPhones, iPads, and Macs. Your data is kept in sync between these devices and iCloud using your Apple ID. 


IdeasToDone on iPhone can handle your most demanding to do list and task management needs.


IdeasToDone works great on your Mac too. You can see more of your projects, tasks, and calendar with the larger display.  


Your iPhone will always stay in sync with your Mac and iPad. The Mac and iPad are excellent companions for your IdeasToDone app on iPhone.


Your IdeasToDone data is kept in sync with iCloud and all of your Apple devices.


You’ll love managing your projects in IdeasToDone on your iPhone!

This image shows IdeasToDone's Project Directory on an iPhone 14 Plus. The Project Directory has unlimited levels of Project Folders and Sub-Folders to organize all of your project lists. You can create and manage as many projects as you'd like in IdeasToDone.
This image shows a project with multiple task and sub-task levels on iPhone.


Unlimited Folders, Sub-Folders and Project Lists.


Unlimited levels of tasks and sub-tasks.


Reusable project templates with unlimited task levels save you time.


Project cloning, mass moves and templates.


Get Things Off Your Mind and Into IdeasToDone on your iPhone

This image shows the Inbox Directory on iPhone. You can have an unlimited number of Inboxes you can organize for different areas of your life. Inboxes are great for simple lists, to-do's, random tasks, ideas, and more.
This image shows Tasks for an Inbox on iPhone. Each Inbox can have unlimited tasks. You can rearrange these tasks using drag & drop. You can add new tasks using QuickAdd, as well as specify where is add them -- such as above or below a particular task.


Get your todo’s added quickly and easily.


As random things come up, just quickly add them


Get your great ideas added so you won’t forget

Focus Views

One-click access to over 100 Smart Lists of tasks you want to focus on.

This image shows the Focus View and Smart List Directory on iPhone. There are over 100 Smart Lists you can access quickly with a simple tap or click or two. Smart Lists are great for reviewing, managing, and working through your tasks with more focus.
This image shows a Smart List of tasks with the highest importance on iPhone. Smart Lists are great for reviewing, managing, and working through your tasks with more focus. You can edit these tasks one at a time or by using Multi-Edit to more the same type of update to all the tasks you select.


Review a variety of lists to see what you have on your plate.


Set or change dates, priorities and settings for many tasks at once.


Prioritized lists help you focus on getting things done.


Standard Reusable Templates Can Save You Time!

This image shows the Templates Directory on an iPhone 14 Plus. You can create and manage as many Templates as you need. You can organize them into nested levels of Folders and Sub-Folders using drag & drop. You can add Folders and Template Lists using QuickAdd. Additionally, you can add new Folders above, below, or within another Folder.
This image shows Template Tasks for a Template on an iPhone 14 Plus. You can create and manage as many Template Tasks as you need for each Template. You can organize them into nested levels of Tasks and Sub-Tasks using drag & drop. You can add Tasks using QuickAdd. Additionally, you can add new Tasks above, below, or within another Task.


Unlimited Template Folders, Sub-Folders, and Template Lists.


Your Templates can have unlimited levels of tasks and sub-tasks.


Presetting your priorities for each template task in advance will save you time when you create a project from the template.


Presetting your organizers for each template task in advance will save you time when you create a project from the template.

Task Calendar

Visual Drag and Drop Task Scheduling is a breeze!

This image shows the Calendar - Day View on an iPhone 14 Plus. For one task, the Task Menu Options is shown with options to edit, complete, or delete the task from within the calendar.
This image shows the Calendar - Day View on an iPhone 14 Plus. The Persona Filter is shown to filter the calendar tasks to only those with the particular filter chosen.
This image shows the Calendar - Day View on an iPhone 14 Plus. The Priority Display Option is shown with options to color-code each task based on the priority type (Importance, Urgency, Impact, Effort) chosen.


Re-schedule tasks by tapping on the task and choosing Edit Task and then selecting the date you want to move it to.


You can reschedule the time of the task with a simple drag and drop. You can also change the duration by long-pressing the task and dragging the start or end time to when you want it.


A quick glance shows you what’s on your plate. You can quickly slide from one day to the next or from one week to the next with a simple gesture.


Lots of features and flexibility, but easy & efficient to use.

Use your iPhone to easily set recurring tasks. This image shows setting a weekly recurring task for every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
It's super easy to set multiple reminders for a task in IdeasToDone.
This image shows the Edit Task window on iPhone. This shows the Notes section, where you can put extensive notes for the task.


Daily, weekly, monthly or annual. Regular and non-standard patterns.


Multiple reminders, reminder templates, and one-time or dynamic schedule changes.


Virtually unlimited, with copy & paste, formatting, hyperlinks and a text editor.

Task Management

Lots of options for managing your tasks!

This image shows the Edit Task window on iPhone. The Task Description and Dates Section are shown including the Date Picker.
This image shows the Edit Task window on iPhone. The Dates Section and Priorities Section are shown. Priorities (such as Importance, Urgency, Impact, and Effort) and the desired priority level can be selected with a simple tap or click.
This image shows the Edit Task window on iPhone. The Organizers Section, as well as the Web Link and Notes Section, are shown. Organizers (such as Task Type, List Group, Context, Location, Task Status, Tags, Time Bucket, Scope, and Persona) can be selected from a pop-up list with a simple tap or click.


Manage your tasks by Due Date and start time and duration.


Manage and prioritize your tasks by Importance, Urgency, Impact and Effort.


Or manage by Task Type, Context, Location, List Group, Tags and Task Status.


Select multiple tasks you want to manage.

Then set or change settings for all of them with a single action.

This image shows a Smart List of Overdue Tasks on an iPhone. 4 Tasks have been selected in preparation for a Multi-Edit.

Select Tasks

This image shows a Smart List of Overdue Tasks on an iPhone. 4 Tasks have been selected in preparation for a Multi-Edit. The Action Menu is displayed with the option to choose Multi-Edit.

Choose Multi-Edit

This image shows the Edit Task window on an iPhone. 4 Tasks have been selected and Multi-Edit is being used to make a change in the due date for all the selected tasks.

Make Changes


Set or change dates for many tasks at once.


Set or change priorities with a single action.


Set or change a reminder or multiple task organizers for all selected tasks.


Review and analyze your productivity and upcoming workload

This image shows a Dashboard on IdeasToDone for the iPhone. This Dashboard is a bar chart showing tasks Due Today by Impact Level.
This image shows a Dashboard on IdeasToDone for the iPhone. This Dashboard is a pie chart showing the Task Breakdowns By Importance.
This image shows a Dashboard on IdeasToDone for the iPhone. This Dashboard is a stacked bar chart showing the Importance Levels By Day for the next 14 days.


What’s due and overdue by importance, urgency, impact and effort.


Your tasks by day for the next 2 weeks by priority.


Tracks your productivity by day, by week and by month.


Gain insight into “troublesome” tasks and opportunities to get more things done.

Available on The App Store Now!

IdeasToDone Premium - $2.99 per Month or $29.99 per Year
1-Month Free Trial, Risk-Free

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