IdeasToDone for Mac

It’s the best to-do list app for Mac.
It’s also a great task management app and a planner app as well.
Set Goals. Plan. Organize. Prioritize. Manage. Schedule.
Get Stuff Done.
The Best To-Do List App
for Mac
It’s the best to-do list app for Mac that you’ll find anywhere.
IdeasToDone is packed with powerful capabilities that busy professionals demand.
You’ll also find that every aspect of IdeasToDone is intuitive and easy to use.
You can organize & manage every area of your personal, business, and life efficiently.
IdeasToDone on Mac is great for setting up, reviewing & managing your projects & project tasks from your home or business office.
IdeasToDone will run on any Mac running macOS Monterey or later.
iMac, Mac Studio, & Mac Pro
IdeasToDone looks great on iMac 24 and 27 inch displays and the new 27 & 32 inch displays for your Mac Studio or Mac Pro . You can see more of your larger, more complex projects.
MacBook Pro & MacBook Air
You’ll enjoy using IdeasToDone on your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air at the office, home or on the road. You can keep working on IdeasToDone even when you’re not connected to the internet.
iPad & iPhone
Your Macs will always stay in sync with your iPad and iPhone. The iPad and iPhone are excellent companions for your IdeasToDone app.
Your IdeasToDone data is kept in sync with iCloud and all of your Apple devices.
You’ll love managing your projects on your Mac!
Projects are where you can set up much more complex and in-depth projects, plans, programs, and more. Projects can contain unlimited levels of nested tasks & sub-tasks. You can organize tasks quickly using drag and drop.
Set up goals for each area of your life such as personal health and wealth, work & professional, aspirations to write a book or start a new business. Then create your plans to achieve them, right down to each individual task!
This allows you to continue to expand your project to incorporate more levels of detailed actions as needed. You might get more ideas as you go along and need to add another level.
On your Mac, you can see more of your Project Directory and projects as you review and manage them.
IdeasToDone on Mac is great for setting up, reviewing & managing your projects & project tasks from your home or business office, or while you’re on the road.
Unlimited Folders, Sub-Folders and Project Lists.
Unlimited levels of tasks and sub-tasks.
Reusable project templates with unlimited task levels save you time.
You can clone a project. You can also mass copy & move tasks.
Get Things Off Your Mind and Into IdeasToDone — fast!!
There is no limit to the number of Inboxes you can have — even in the free version!
You can name your Inboxes however you like. Add them for different areas of your life. Add them for specific simple lists like books you’d like to read, gift ideas, and vacation spots. You can also use them for short-term use. For example, stuff you need to do this weekend.
You can also rearrange them using drag and drop to put them in the order that you’d like.
You can use Inboxes for many things, including:
- random to-do’s and tasks that come up
- ideas that pop up
- simple lists like a grocery list
- quick, simple to-do lists
Get your todo’s added quickly and easily.
As random things come up, just quickly add them
Get your great ideas added so you won’t forget
Focus View
One click access to over 100 Smart Lists of tasks.
In Focus View, you’re presented with a Smart List Directory.
Each Smart List can be accessed with just a couple of taps/clicks.
There is no setup required. No need to create filters or code-like syntax.
You can manage your tasks right from within any Smart List.
Review Smart Lists to see what you have on your plate. For example, a list of overdue tasks, what tasks are due next week, or tasks for a specific context or location.
Set or change dates, priorities and settings for many tasks at once. Access a Smart List of tasks with no importance and set the importance level for several selected tasks in a single action.
Prioritized Smart Lists help you focus on getting things done such as overdue tasks or tasks with high importance or impact.
Standard Reusable Templates Can Save You Time!
Templates are like reusable model Projects.
You can create as many templates as you’d like.
Each Template can have as many tasks as you need.
A template can have as many nested levels of tasks and sib-tasks as you need.
Unlimited Template Folders, Sub-Folders, and Template Lists.
Your Templates can have unlimited levels of tasks and sub-tasks.
Presetting your priorities for each template task in advance will save you time when you create a project from the template.
Presetting your organizers for each template task in advance will save you time when you create a project from the template.
In-App Calendar
The built-in Calendar is as capable as the popular calendars you’ve used.
Visual Drag and Drop Task Scheduling is a breeze!
It’s the most capable calendar you’ll find in a to do list app for Mac!
On your Mac, you’ll be able to see more of what you have scheduled.
Schedule and reschedule tasks, including the day, start and end time with a simple drag and drop.
Day, Week, Month and List Views. A quick glance shows you what’s on your plate.
Easily see your priorities, filter by Persona and manage tasks right from the calendar!
Lots of features and flexibility, but easy & efficient to use.
Tasks can be used for anything you like. A task can be a task, an errand, a call, a meeting, an idea, a place, an item, a thing, and more.
Use the Task Editor to quickly set dates, priorities, organizers, and more. You’ll love how easy, intuitive, and fast it is!
Recurring tasks are easy to set up, and there is a lot of flexibility when setting them up. You can create daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly recurring tasks.
You can set up multiple reminders for a task – each with a single tap/click.
You can set up unlimited web links (URLs) for a task.
Lastly, you can add unlimited notes to your task with no limit on the number of characters.
Daily, weekly, monthly or annual recurrences every X days, weeks or months. Regular & non-standard patterns.
It’s easy to set up one or more reminders for each task. Only one tap/click per reminder.
Virtually unlimited space to provide additional information about each task.
Task Management
The most flexible to do list app for managing your tasks!
You can manage your tasks in a variety of ways in IdeasToDone.
In the simplest form, tasks can just be items on a list.
Or, you can set a due date for some or all of your tasks.
You can also use any or all of the four (4) priority categories (Importance, Urgency, Impact, Effort) with 5 priority levels ranging from low to highest.
You also can use 9 different Task Organizer categories – Task Type, Tags, Context, Location, List Groups, Task Statuses, Time Buckets, Scopes, and Personas.
Manage your tasks by Due Date, start time, and duration.
Manage and prioritize your tasks by Importance, Urgency, Impact and Effort – 5 levels for each from highest to low.
Or manage by Task Type, Context, Location, List Group, Persona, Tags and Task Status.
Select two or more tasks you want to manage.
Then set or change settings for all of them with a single action.
Multi-Edit is a great way to set or change task settings to several selected tasks at the same time.
This way, you can save time managing tasks.
This time saver is available for Inbox tasks, Project tasks, Focus View tasks, and Template tasks.
The first thing you do is select the tasks that you want to update.
Then click on the Action button in the upper right corner and select Multi-Edit.
Then the Edit Task window pops up, and you can make your changes there.
Any changes you make will apply to all the tasks you’ve selected. Any fields that you don’t change will not be affected.
Set or change dates for many tasks at once. For example, change the due date for all overdue tasks to tomorrow.
Set or change priorities for several tasks with a single action. For example, select certain tasks with no impact level to Highest Impact.
Set or change a reminder or a task Organizer for all selected tasks. For example, set the Context for several tasks to Computer.
Review and analyze your productivity and upcoming workload
What’s due and overdue by importance, urgency, impact and effort.
Your tasks by day for the next 2 weeks by priority.
Tracks your productivity by day, by week and by month.
Gain insight into “troublesome” tasks and opportunities to get more things done.
Available on The App Store Now!
IdeasToDone Premium - $2.99 per Month or $29.99 per Year
1-Month Free Trial, Risk-Free
Download It Today!
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